Truth Seekers

Come Listen To Coral Ryder And Learn About Spirit Art And Psychic Art



Coral is the daughter of SNU Minister Ann Robson and Healer Jim Robson and as such has grown up with an awareness of spirit and spiritualism.  In 2005, she was told by spirit to put down what she was doing and to draw.  She is not a trained artist, yet with spirit guiding her hand has developed the ability to draw spirit portraits reuniting people with the faces of their loved ones.  In 2012, she had the honor of being the first person to gain a Certificate of Recognition(CSNU) from the Spiritualist National Union in demonstrating Spirit Art.  In 2015, she was featured in the book, Spiritual Paintings and Art from the Afterlife.  She serves churches and centers in the UK and abroad, demonstrating her art and running workshops on both the subjects of Spirit and Psychic Art:  Helping others to explore their mediumship through art and discover the hidden artist within.  She regularly tutors for the international Spiritualists Federation(ISF) at their fraternal weeks and weekends in various countries across the g