Truth Seekers

Come chat with Robin Foy About Witnessing The Impossible



Robin and Sandra Foy both have almost 45 years' intensive experience of personally developing, witnessing and/or being intimately associated with Physical Mediumship and Physical Phenomena. As well as being involved in an extensive series of their own home circles (including some in Romford and Harold Wood early in their marriage 39 years ago) to develop phenomena over the years with varying results, they have also had the opportunity to sit with a great number of demonstrating physical mediums, many of whom are (or were) well known in this field. These include: Leslie Flint, Gordon Higginson, John Squires, Geoffrey Jacobs, Paul McElhoney, Colin Fry, Stewart Alexander, David Thompson, Mavis King, Tom and Linda Anderson, the Yellow Cloud Circle in France, the Theatre School Circle in Streatham, Scott Milligan, Kai Muegge and Sandy Horsford.    Through their long involvement, they have gained extensive knowledge and experience of the different ways in which physical phenomena can be produced by the Spirit Tea