Gals With Gumption

She’s Got Gumption! Episode 22, Alexis Busetti (Cistern and Grove)



On this week’s episode we talk with Alexis Busetti of Cistern and Grove. Alexis is a financial coach for those of us who haven’t quite figured out this thing called adult-ing and money. I first met Alexis through the amazing Michelle McKinney, and I was introduced to her book, “Entrusted With Money,” which walks you through some of the pitfalls we find ourselves in when it comes to the almighty dollar. Her and her husband talk about the generational and modeled behaviors money can have in our lives, as well as how personal finance is more personal than finance. With an open and honest, transparent heart she recounts her own tale of how she learned her lessons the hard way and what that means for us as women, struggling through our own stories right now. You can follow Alexis on Instagram and Facebook @cisternandgrove and find out what else she is up to, as well as book an appointment with her over on  Also be sure to order her book! Available on Amazon!   &