Gals With Gumption

She’s Got Gumption! Episode 16, Leslie Poole



Leslie Poole is yet another Instagram friend I made over the summer. Like I said, I will stalk you and become your friend on the IG. Leslie is a mom, and a newly adoptive mom, a speech pathologist, a writer, and a Noonday Collection Ambassador. In this episode, Leslie talks about the darkest day of her life, the turning point for everything that happened when she was just 12 years old, but how it turned her into the amazing person we get to hear from today. She is currently writing a book that is under review about her life’s journey and she shares some of those details with us on this episode. Not only is her Carolina accent endearing, but her words are wisdom. Be sure to follow Leslie on Instagram and Facebook to hear all about what is next for her new book, and of course to read more of her “flogging” (Facebook-blogging) about her journey with their newly adopted son, Freddie. And check out For more information about your host Wendy J Olson, head on over to www.w