How To Raise Money Podcast

#28 Doing a Deal With an Investor



So, you’ve approached an investor and after some talks, it is finally ready to seal the deal. In today’s episode of How To Raise Money Podcast, Ray lays out 10 essential items you need to look into when arranging a deal with your investor. There are things that could slow down the deal and you don’t want that to happen. Discover how these will help you not just speed up the deal but also go through the deal smoothly and trouble-free. If done properly, you can ensure that you’ll be raising money for your business in no time. KEY TAKEAWAYS Due Diligence. What slows it down is not having anything available and what speeds it up is having everything available and accessible. To speed up information, create a data room where you could check the activities of the users. Properly name files. Market Research. Create a properly named file with the current date for the investor to be easily understood. Avoid the mistake called ‘Chinese hat theory.’ Chinese hat theory – There are 7 Billion people on the planet, you’v