How To Raise Money Podcast

#026 Interview With Jim Duffy



Jim Duffy co-founded Entrepreneurial Spark in 2011 with the aim of creating an entrepreneurial revolution across the country. As a best-selling author and entrepreneur, Jim went on to help persuade the Scottish Government to establish the Edge Fund, a £1m award scheme for start-ups. In today’s inspiring interview, your host, Ray ask Jim for his best advice and insights into how to raise money and scale start-ups. Discover how to read people, live by a disciplined code, act empathetically in nature, operate gladiatorial in business and never take your eye off the ball. Learn how to focus on the people behind the business, and the mindsets and behaviours needed to take your start-up to the next level. Tune in to the How To Raise Money podcast to hear this exciting interview. KEY TAKEAWAYS Entrepreneurial Spark is the world's largest free business accelerator offering business support to start-up companies. Founded in Glasgow, Entrepreneurial Spark is funded by private capital, contributions from public sect