How To Raise Money Podcast

#023 - Sophisticated Investors



Welcome to another episode of the How to Raise Money Podcast. Today your hosts and raising money experts Ray and Nigel discuss what it takes to be a sophisticated investor. Learn what to look out for, and what to be aware of when searching and seeking investment from a professional investor, angel, whale or dragon. Ray and Nigel urge you to do your due diligence and understand how to identify a casual investor from the professionals. Hear the easy criteria you can follow if you’re looking for equity investment and an investor you can trust. Ray discusses the simple tips and tricks you can use to help fast-track the process and ensure you’re dealing with a bonafide investor. Learn how to create a one-page checklist for the investor to self-certify and legitimise the deal. KEY TAKEAWAYS A large percentage of an investors money could be taken by the gatekeeper, the manager. This can be up to 7% but ensures the investor in question is legitimate. The person seeking the funding would be required to pay the fee