How To Raise Money Podcast

BONUS - Pathway to Sleep: Sleep Exercise (Part 2)



Welcome to Part 2 of the two bonus episodes on Pathway to Sleep! Note: This is a practical exercise of what was learned from Part 1. This involves relaxation so make sure you’re not driving or doing anything that needs your high level of awareness. And, if you haven’t listened to the first part yet, do it now. You’ll be able to learn how to construct your sleeping quarters in your mind above others. Let the voice of Ray guide you to full relaxation on today’s episode. Find your sleeping quarters. Be relaxed. Let’s start! KEY TAKEAWAYS Practice this sleep exercise to get the best out of your sleep. Find a comfortable place where you could the sleep exercise. Just lie down and enjoy the silence. Clear your mind. Go find your sleeping quarters. Find a place from your memory or a dream that makes you feel comfortable. Relax your body. Feel the tension and slip away. Release the tension from your muscles. Take deep breaths. If thoughts are still coming in while doing it, brush it away. Have firm thought that yo