How To Raise Money Podcast

BONUS - Pathway to Sleep: Sleep Theory (Part 1)



Lie down. Close your eyes. Relax. Then, Sleep. On today’s bonus episode of How To Raise Money podcast, Ray discusses on how you could get deep sleep at night. Sleep is very important. Ray can’t emphasize that enough. You don’t need external influences like that chamomile tea or the sound of the rain to get you to sleep. You just need a technique that will work for you. From reading Jack Black’s MindStore: The Ultimate Mental Fitness Programme, Ray was able to adopt a sleeping technique of constructing his own sleeping quarters in his mind. Ray will be sharing the techniques he uses, find out now if it might be effective for you. Watch out also for the second part of the special bonus episodes! KEY TAKEAWAYS Go to sleep without an alarm clock. Program yourselves to wake up early. We've tried it with a room at least 50 people, they go off and give me guarantee that they will wake up on time. Different feedbacks. The study's purpose is to show how important sleep is and how quickly you can adapt to new sleepin