Real Estate Investor Huddle

How to Crush It in the iBuyer Market w/Erik Hatch



One of the biggest things happening in our industry right now is the influx of investor money. There is a great opportunity for us to grow our businesses, add more volume and increase our bottom line. What is Snap Offer and how is our guest, Erik Hatch, using it to boost his business? How can we leverage these tools and create distinct advantages against big box companies and Wall Street? On this episode, coach and investor, Erik Hatch shares how Snap Offer works and why it’s such a great source for qualified leads.   Takeaways + Tactics    Sellers who are using iBuyers are looking to escape some of the frustrations that come with selling a house; and they are willing to forgo equity for it. There are 127 million single family properties in the US and 18 million of those are inherited properties or owned by disinterested landlords. Most investors are missing a great opportunity by not targeting them.  If we have a real estate team and are looking to launch our investing operation, we should have a cash buyer