Uu Church Of Kent Ohio

Now I Become Myself



Image by John Hain from Pixabay Sunday, January 20, 2020 Led by Rev. Steven Protzman with Worship Associate Heidi Emhoff Wood May Sarton wrote: "Now I become myself.  It’s taken time, many years and places; I have been dissolved and shaken, worn other people’s faces."  As we continue exploring January's Soul Matters theme of integrity, we'll reflect together on how seeking to live with integrity and creating greater wholeness within ourselves helps us become more fully ourselves.  Our services will also include a naming ceremony that affirms and celebrates Kevyn Breedon's journey of becoming more fully themselves. Other contributors today were Colleen Thoele, Kevyn Breedon, and Hal Walker. Sunday services are offered at 9:45 and 11:30 AM with nursery care available during both services.