Faith Talks

048 - You ARE Involved In Politics! The Believers' Responsibility To Pray For Their Nation



Are you concerned about what’s going on in your nation?  Whether it’s politically, socially, environmentally, or in any other area of your society, we have not only been given the power but also the responsibility to change what’s going in our nation. One of Paul's most emphatic instructions to the church was to PRAY for all men, for kings and all in authority. (1 Timothy 2:1) Why? Because the way our nation is governed affects us. It affects our families, our finances, our freedom to worship, and every other areas of our lives. In this new series we discuss why it's so vitally important that we believers pray for our nation, and how to pray effectively using the tools God has given us and our authority as believers. Whether we like it or not, we ARE involved in politics!