Kevin Whitsitt

What Affiliate Marketing Methods Used in 2019 Won't Work in 2020?



Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing.  What do you think it is? Hello, today I want to talk about what affiliate marketing methods used in 2019 won't work in 2020. The really is only 1 that I've noticed that stopped working. It has to do with Instagram where I was using a free service called Linktree that allowed people to click on a link in my Instagram profile and I could send someone to my optin page. Facebook is very strict and  just recently has sometimes banned Linktree. What I've been doing lately is the same thing I've been doing on TikTok. At the end of my video I will just mention my domain name and someone can manually type the domain into the internet to get to my website. If you are brand new into affiliate marketing I don't recommend getting a website or an autoresponder. I recommend partnering with another marketer and use their list to make you money. The reason why is because it will get you paid the q