Liberty Report With Brett Mason

Chris Chistie spits on Constitution, Hillary Spits on Rule Of Law



In this weeks episode we explore how several politicians boldly and without apology brag about ignoring the Constitution. Christ Christie isn't a fan of the 4th amendment and plainly says the NSA can't do their job and follow the 4th amendment. And he makes no apology for it.Hillary Clinton has obviously broken many laws surrounding her private email server. Yet she stands in front of cameras and makes jokes about it. She flippantly makes sarcastic comments to reporters when asked about it.The mental health and the law are not a good fit in this country. A judge wants to forcefully medicate a man so he will be "fit to stand trial." This is a man they claim threatened the president on Facebook by quoting God, or what he claims was God talking to him.The push for $15 minimum wage will have many unintended consequences. One of them will be the automation of many low skill jobs, putting millions out of work. We discuss in depth the economics behind minimum wage, automation and the free market.