Father Snort

It's Dinner, Not a Marriage Proposal - Audio



Brad Sullivan Proper 17, Year C August 28, 2016 Saint Mark's Episcopal Church, Bay City, TX Luke 14:1, 7-14 It’s Dinner, Not a Marriage Proposal At the very heart of the Gospel, we have God loving humans as his beloved children. With all of the beauty and grace with which we were made, with our remarkable capacity for love and empathy, with our creativity and astonishing drive to invent, to imagine, to overcome obstacles, and with our courage to band together in the face of hardships, God loves us, and his love for us is at the very heart of the Gospel. God loves us for who we are, and with the list of human attributes I just gave, we can see why. We are creative, loving, generous. We band together to support each other. We weep when others weep; we rejoice when others rejoice. We are also terribly flawed. We can be mean spirited, cruel. We commit horrible atrocities and acts of violence, hatred, degradation. We fight, argue