Real Estate Investor Huddle

How to Approach Sellers with a Heart of Empathy w/Julia Jordan and Alan Weeks



New real estate investors often find it daunting working with potential sellers, but as long as we approach them from a place of empathy, there’s no need to be intimidated. How can we stop ourselves from being discouraged when we are told ‘no’? Why is it so important to show a desire to help sellers, and how can we show that we are genuine in that desire? In this episode, business performance and accountability coach Julia Jordan and President of NuAvenue Assets, Alan Weeks join for a discussion on how to find sellers by exercising empathy.    Takeaways + Tactics  Never assume to know anything about a potential seller on the first call. In fact, the first time we speak to a seller, we should go in expecting to hear ‘no’.    Successful real estate investing comes as a result of building successful relationships. Ensure that sellers know our primary aim is to help find a solution to their problems.    At a meeting with sellers, it’s a good idea to go in empty-handed. Leave any books or documents in the car, and