Uu Church Of Kent Ohio

The Lion’s Whisker



Sunday, March 29, 2020 Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay A virtual service led by Rev. Steven Protzman and Worship Associate Camille Pavlicek-Fauser Click here to open or download a copy of the Order of Service. In this difficult time where we are physically distanced from one another and we need to stay home to help lessen the spread of the coronavirus, how do we care for one another and stay connected?  What lessons can we learn from this time that help us provide a safe haven for each other?  Using a folk tale from Africa, we will reflect on the gifts of compassion, patience, and kindness that can help us through challenging times.Join us Sunday, March 29 at 10 AM for this virtual service hosted via Zoom Video Conferencing. The link to join the worship service is below. Time: Mar 29, 2020 09:45 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)          Every week on Sunday until further notice          Mar 29, 2020 09:45 AMClick here to Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/764615105?pwd=SitTNUpMZDIvMUtqQk83