Faith Talks

053 - Things Obey Words Part 2



Do you know that science is only just now proving things that the Bible has said for millennia? Things obey words! At it's most subatomic level, everything in existence is made of microscopic particles called "quarks". A quark is the foundational structure of all matter - or everything that is seen. Quarks are not stationary, they are constantly vibrating. Even solid matter like a table is constantly moving and vibrating. When applied, ENERGY changes the vibration of the quarks that make up a matter. The energy produced by a microwave acts on the quarks that make up food, causing their vibration to speed up. This produces heat, and the result is heated food. A refrigerator's cold air slows down the vibration of food's subatomic particles which causes it to last longer or even freeze. WORDS are energy, and word-energy changes the subatomic vibration of matter. That's why Jesus told us to SPEAK TO the mountain and to SPEAK TO the sycamore tree (Mark 11:23, Luke 17:6) and they would obey us. The mountain and tre