Real Estate Investor Huddle

How to Hire the Right People and Exit Your Operations w/Ryan Robson



As business owners, we should be constantly working towards exiting our daily operations. What can we do now to ensure our eventual exit goes smoothly? Who should we be hiring first - and which activities do we need to give up if we want our businesses to level up? On this episode, co-founder of Next Level Flipping, Ryan Robson shares how to hire the right people and exit our operations.    Takeaways + Tactics A lot of investors forgo a salary and choose to live off their net - but this can cause problems when we decide to exit operations and hire a CEO. Build in CEO salaries now, to ensure a smoother transition later.    When hiring, we should start with the things we’re least good at. Instead of wasting time trying to complete these tasks, outsource these activities to increase your productivity.   Be ready to give up enjoyable tasks. Even the activities we’re best at will need to be outsourced eventually if we want our businesses to scale effectively.      Guest Bio- Ryan Robson is one of the co-founders o