Emmanuel Baptist Church

Ruth 1:1-5 | God's Work in Life-Defining Moments



The first five verses of Ruth describe a series of life-defining moments for one woman named Naomi. Moments that, though were largely out of her control, were still birthed out of bad decisions. And her story forces us to ask ourselves the hard question: are we going to follow God and his path from here on out, even though the road might be long, painful, and incredibly difficult, or are we going to continue to chart out our own path and live apart from God’s will and ways? And her story helps those of us who may be walking along a broken path right now to realize that they don’t walk alone. There is one who has chosen to walk the same broken path with them to lead them to the road to redemption. One who wants to take their broken story and redeem it in order to point to his goodness and glory.