Leroy Community Chapel Podcast

A Better Oath



Passage: Hebrews 6:13-20 After a serious warning that is cause for pause in the heart of all who trust in Jesus, the writer to the Hebrews says to us “let me give you an example of one who did not fall away.” Today we look at Abraham’s patience and are encouraged to put our hope in God in like manner. - Think about how kind it was for God to allow Abraham to fall into a deep sleep (Genesis 15) and make a better oath to His people, fully based on His own Word. - Do you think Abraham fully intended to enter into covenant with God and walk through the pieces together with God? (Genesis 15). What about you and me, how do we act like that sometimes as the Church, almost as if we have forgotten how deeply we are in need? - How can you tangibly anchor your soul in the hope of Jesus that lies behind the curtain in 2020? What will you do daily or weekly to direct your heart there? After a serious warning that is cause for pause in the heart of all who trust in Jesus, the writer to the Hebrews says to us “let me gi