Dead Pundits Society

[Classic DPS] Ep. 9: Exiting the Culture Warrior Clusterf*ck w/ Angela Nagle



I've come down with the Bubonic Plague this week, and I'm unable to speak. I'll be posting four of my greatest hits in between fits of fever and chills, starting with this classic interview with Angela Nagle. ------------------------ In this week's episode, I talk with Angela Nagle about the alt-right and how to exit the dead end of culture warrior politics. Angela's book, Kill All Normies: The Online Culture Wars from Tumblr and 4chan to the Alt-right and Trump, will be out from Zero Books in May. We talk about the alt-right, alt-light, and the white nationalist elements of the movement. We discuss their tactics of baiting the left into street fights, and we finish with the desperate need for the left to develop better arguments for our complex times. This interview is an abbreviated version. To hear the full version, subscribe to the Dead Pundits Society Patreon: See Angela's recent writings: -"The New Man of 4-Chan," -"Paleocons fo