Dead Pundits Society

Ep. 13: Class War in the Classroom: Education Policy w/ Megan Erickson Kilpatrick & Kenzo Shibata



Joining me this week to talk about the disastrous effects of neoliberalism on education policy are Megan Erickson Kilpatrick and Kenzo Shibata. Megan is on the editorial board at Jacobin Magazine, an educator in NYC and author of “Class War: The Privatization of Childhood.” Kenzo is a former educator in Chicago and current education and labor activist. We discuss the damage being done to children, parents and teachers under the neoliberal education regime, and what kinds of policies we need to reverse these trends. Megan Erickson Kilpatrick’s book, Class War: The Privatization of Childghood was published under a joint venture by Verso Books and Jacobin Magazine in 2015 and can be found here: ----------- If you like the show and want to support it, consider joining our Patreon page at: Twitter: @deadpundits Facebook: