Real Estate Investor Huddle

Building Your 10X Follow Up Team



It’s a proven fact that the agents and investors who are successful right now in real estate have their follow up system and team in place. That includes a highly functioning group that assists in different roles within the follow up process.    Having the intention for outreach is just the first step.    If our goal is to generate more profits, increase revenue and improve efficiency in our operations, we need to invest the time and resources into building and staffing our follow up team. We need a direct and multi-person approach to get in front of people, send them messages that resonate with them and get them to respond.    In this episode, we discuss what it takes to have a leading follow up process, and we share top-secret bonus tips for making our team’s follow up more effective.  Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode  - The gap between what’s required and what investors are actually doing to succeed 90% of the money is made after the 6th interaction but only 10% of agents and investors follow up