Christ Church Bartlett

I know my redeemer lives, 7 reasons I believe in the resurrection



Resurrection Sunday 2020 I know my redeemer lives 7 reasons I believe in the resurrection #1 Old Testament prophets predicted and prefigured the resurrection This testimony is found through the witness of Job, Moses, Abraham, Elisha, David, and Isaiah #2 the ministry of Jesus was public not a secret. Acts 26: 22-26 #3 Even the enemies of Jesus could not dispute the empty tomb. (Matthew 27:62- 28:15) #4 The early, first-hand, eyewitness testimony of the Apostles (1 Cor. 15: 1-8) #5. The Apostles were radically changed and willing to die for what they knew to be true (Acts 4: 18-20) #6. The supernatural power of Jesus to transform lives, save sinners, and heal the hardest hearts. (2 Cor. 5: 17). #7. I spoke with Jesus this morning! Have you experienced the real power of Jesus? Do you have a relationship with the Living Lord? Has Jesus transformed your life? Do you have the hope and the joy and peace of knowing that you posses eternal life in Jesus Christ? Do you have the hope and joy and peace of knowledge that