Mosaic Church Of Bellingham

Food: #1 in our Mutiny Against Excess



It probably wasn’t that long ago that you heard someone or yourself saying, “There’s nothing to eat in this house”, as you stared into your packed fridge or stuffed cupboards. Talking about topics like food, clothing, possession, etc… hit close to home for all of us. Lent is a time to take a deep dive into those areas that can easily become areas of huge excess in our lives as well as take control of our lives. As I have said many times, “seasons become lifestyles” and “silly habits become controlling behaviors”. Just about anything can go from a short term permission to an unhealthy lifestyle, if unchecked. This is why Lent is so important. It’s a time for us to stop and take stock. To actually look at ourselves and ask questions. Lent helps us to get ready. It is a time to know more about the One who is Easter. It is also a time to learn more about who we really are. To remind ourselves that there is freedom in giving away and taking away. There is freedom in fasting.