Mosaic Church Of Bellingham

God Moments



One of the difficult things we discover shortly after we are encountered by God, is that much of what passes itself as “christianity”, is really just having the right set of beliefs in your head. Belief and faith are taught to us as being synonymous terms, and therefore, it is super, super important that you believe the right things about God (Father, Son and HS), about the Bible, about the church, about doctrine, about heaven/hell, the 2nd coming, etc….. Before long, our “faith” is reduced to what we think about all these things. But, belief and faith, are not first and foremost “thought” words, they are “trust” words. Trusting God is the basis for most of the Biblical story, from Genesis right through to the end, and this trust was built, not on a perfectly clear understanding of God, but upon encounters with God.