Mosaic Church Of Bellingham

The Emperor's Clothes



If you know the famous story “The Emperor’s New Clothes” by Hans Christian Anderson, then you know where we get the phrase, "The Emperor Has No Clothes". As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, many of you, like me, have grown up with a view of Bible study that focuses on coming to the correct interpretation and understanding of the text. This involves understanding the context; the history, the geography, the culture, etc., and understanding the text itself; meanings of words, tense, original language, etc… Though these are extremely helpful tools in understanding the author's original thought, they generally have as their goal, that we come to a right conclusion about what the text says and what we should do with it. In this way of thinking, we tend to believe that if we just add another layer of knowledge to what we currently have, everything will fall into place. Unfortunately, many of us have found out that simply adding more precise interpretation, better doctrine or more “correct” theology, does not