Father Snort

Grace, Love, and Compassion: the way of the Trinity in conflicted times (and joyous times) - Audio



The Rev. Brad Sullivan Emmanuel Episcopal Church June 7, 2020 Trinity Sunday, A Genesis 1:1 - 2:4a 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 Matthew 28:16-20 Some of you have heard before a story I told of a former youth, now a young woman, who told me that all I do is talk for a living. She was joking around, at least kind of joking, and during times like this past week, I kind of feel like that is all I do, is talk for a living. When I see people being killed; see the violence in our streets; see hundreds of years of racism, of overt and covert oppression, and of mistrust throughout our society because of it, I want to do more than just talk. I want to make some kind of lasting change and difference in the lives of people directly affected by the racism, violence, and mistrust, and I want to make that change quickly and right now, but I can’t. Not alone, not immediately. So, being that I can’t make some enormous, immediate change for the good, I figure I will go ahead and spend a few minutes talking, and