Newsweek's Foreign Service

Oscars Still Divided—Helen O'Hara



Empire Magazine's Helen O'Hara and Newsweek's Tufayel Ahmed join Mirren Gidda and Josh Lowe to discuss this years Oscars. The Academy Awards are never without surprises, but this year was more surprising than most. After Faye Dunaway declared La La Land winner of the Best Picture category, an Oscars' producer dashed onto the stage to inform the film's producers—midway through their speeches—that Moonlight had actually won. After last year's awards, which were notable for their lack of diversity, people welcomed the success of Moonlight, a film about growing up black and gay in the U.S. That the best supporting actor and actress awards went to black actors—Mahershala Ali and Viola Davis—at least prevented the hashtag #oscarssowhite from trending as it did in 2016. But, this doesn't mean the Oscars are suddenly diverse. Nominations of and wins for LGBTQ people are still few and far between. Asians, Hispanics and women are other groups the awards show similarly overlooks. Newsweek's Foreign Service is... &