Newsweek's Foreign Service

The Supreme Court



Mark Bergman and Diana Shaw Clark join hosts Josh Lowe and Mirren as they figure out how important an issue the Supreme Court is in the 2016 election. What with Muslim bans and "locker room talk" on one side and a plethora of leaked emails on the other, the 2016 U.S. presidential election has had plenty of scandals. So many, in fact, that they've sometimes drowned out one of the most important issues facing Americans at the ballot box; appointments to the supreme court. With an unresolved deadlock in the court one of the first jobs in a new President's in-tray, and up to three further appointments likely to arise during their tenure, whoever enters the Oval Office in November could have enormous power to shape U.S. law for generations to come. So what would Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump do with that power? And how much is it going to change what happens on the day of the Poll? Newsweek's Foreign Service is recorded and edited by Jordan Saville.  See for privacy and opt-out i