Newsweek's Foreign Service

Addressing Immigration



Alicia Barrett and Sunder Katwala join Josh Lowe and Mirren Gidda as they address Immigration. The Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has long railed against immigration, threatening to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and ban Muslims from entering the country. His extreme stance has won him supporters. Anxieties over immigration policy trouble governments worldwide. In Britain, many of the people who voted to leave did so in the hope of reducing the numbers of EU migrants coming to the U.K. So, how should governments address the issue of immigration? Does espousing its economic benefits convince people that immigration is beneficial, or should it be discussed differently? Alicia Barrett is the American outreach officer at the Institute of Economic Affairs, a free market research organization, and Sunder Katwala is the director of British Future, a think tank focussed on the issue of immigration. Newsweek's Foreign Service is recorded and edited by Jordan Saville.  See acast