Leadership Revealed

Personal Branding Vs Corporate Branding - Dividing Opinion



Do you have a personal brand or a corporate brand? John Paul is talking about branding – the topic that regularly divides opinion. Should all promotion be around an individual or should it be the profile of the organisation that dominates? John explores the negatives and positives for both personal and corporate branding and shares how his organisation is moving forward and why the choices they have made work. This episode will help any business owner clarify what will be the right choice for their business, listen in and find out more.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Personal branding We all like dealing with people. As a customer, we want the salesperson who is knowledgeable, pleasant and makes us feel special – as if we are the only customer they have Personal branding works really well with face to face sales because you can build an emotional connection. If branding is built around an individual and they later leave, there will be a significant impact for the business owner and company. If something negative happens