Leadership Revealed

How to Get Buy-in From Friends & Family



Business people usually have to do extra hours and do things that non business owners don’t have to do so it can be hard to get your friends and family to support you. So in this episode John explains 5 things you can do to get your family and friends on board and support your business rather than create resistance.   KEY TAKEAWAYS You have to accept it’s not always going to work. People aren’t always going to agree with your choices but you and they have to accept that you’re not going to agree. This doesn’t mean accept that they’re actively trying to tell you and prove to you that you’re wrong. Have rules and stick to them. Create a routine so that you can make time for the little things that mean a lot or do things that you enjoy or need to do. This can help to build a good healthy work life balance too. Make time for the little things. Little things can often mean a lot to other people. Spend time with the people who love you, don’t buy them. Show people the benefits of you having a business. Don’t buy