Leadership Revealed

Do You Plan to Fail?



‘The majority of successful people have a single plan and they are devoted to achieving their vision, but they are able to pivot and adapt’   Having a Plan B and possibly a Plan C are vital elements for business and most crucially whatever the size of your business you need to listen to your customers and understand the environment you are operating in. In this episode, John explores the role of planning in a successful business and shares what can happen if you don’t, listen in to find out more.   KEY TAKEAWAYS By not having a plan you are inadvertently planning to fail. Successful people have a vision and they know on a day to day basis what they are doing to work towards achieving their goals. These businesses have a plan B and a plan C to help deal with the unexpected. The mark of a good business is that it can adapt and change in the face of regulatory changes. There are examples of major businesses who have pivoted and changed to continue to be successful these include Shell who began as an antique