Perry Noble Leadership Podcast

Three Ways To Handle Hate On Social Media



Episode Summary "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me..." Yeah, right. Hate on social media is real and it is becoming an epidemic that not only effects people emotionally, but also physically and mentally. So let's talk about it: let's dive into How to Handle Hate on Social Media. Social media is an incredible tool/resource when it comes to communication, branding and keeping up with friends and family members all over the world. However, it’s also become a source of frustration, anxiety and even depression for so many people; especially those with a leadership position. There are not many areas where I would consider myself an expert; however, in the area of dealing with "haters" I feel like I’ve earned a doctorate degree. How to Handle Internet Hate Empathy I’ve had the “privilege” to meet a few “internet trolls” in my lifetime and after doing so, I really did feel sorry for them. You could tell they were miserable and not the person they projected themselves to be on the int