Thisweek Community News: Great Food Debate

Diners and greasy spoons (or are they the same thing?)



What kind of food are you searching for when heading to a diner? Diners are great standbys for delicious "greasy spoon" meals, whether you're there for breakfast, lunch or dinner. We talked to three panelists this week about the American institution where you can grab a seat at the counter, eat a great omelet or sip coffee while finishing off a slice of pie. Let's get into it. Welcome to "The Great Food Debate," where we discuss the best food, drinks and specialties found in central Ohio. This episode's panelists are: • Vince Tornero, host of In the Record Store podcast and captain of In the Record Store • Jim Fischer, arts editor for Columbus Alive • Erin Edwards, dining editor at Columbus Monthly Where can the best diner be found in central Ohio? • Vince's pick: Jack and Benny's (locations in Clintonville, Dublin and downtown Columbus) • Jim's pick: Tommy's Diner (914 W. Broad St., Franklinton) and Jack's Downtown Diner (52 E Lynn St., Columbus) • Erin's pick: Philco Bar + Diner (747 N. High St.,