Islamic Media Podcast

The Glorious Sirah Lesson 18



Quraysh violates one of the conditions of the Hudaybiyah Treaty. They send Abu Sufyan to prevent war without any avail. After being captured, Abu Sufyan embraces Islam. The Prophet enters Makkah in the blessed month of Ramadan, 8 H, without fighting, wearing a black turban. Our Prophet says, “O Quraysh, people of Makkah, what do you think I am going to do to you?” They say, “We expect good from you. You are a good brother and cousin.” Our Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, says, “Go. You are free.” A large tribe called Hawazin ambushes the Muslims in the valley of Hunayn, hurling arrows and projectiles at them. The battle intensifies. God puts fear in the hearts of Hawazin and they are defeated. At the end of the 8th Hijriyy year, a son named Ibrahim, is born to the Prophet with his slave Mariyah. However, he lives for less than two years. The Prophet weeps for his death and states that weeping out of sadness for the departure of a dear one is permissible.