Real Estate Investor Huddle

3 Keys To Building A Team You Actually Trust



As you grow your business, it becomes critical to build a team around you that allows you to focus on the most productive use of your time. For this, we need to bring in the right kind of talent and if we want to hire and retain the best people, there are certain pieces that need to be in place first.    Without these pieces, it’s hard for the people we hire to succeed and help us achieve our business goals.    Why is it so important for us to have standardized procedures in our operations? What are the key metrics we need to focus on? How do we hold the people we hire accountable? In this episode, I discuss the 3 critical pieces your business needs to have so you can scale a trustable team.   Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - Don’t wait to hire until you have problems and fires to put out. If you’re prepared, you’ll be able to spot a trend fast and hire people early.   - You already have a way you run your day and things you do everyday in your business. That is your system, it already exists. I