Recitation Of Holy Quran With Urdu Translation

92. Sura al-Layl with Urdu Translation



Sura 92. al-Layl (the Night): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. By the night when it covers up (and conceals everything in its darkness), 2. And by the day when it brightens up, 3. And by that Being Who created male and female (in everything), 4. Indeed your striving is different (and singular). 5. So he who gives away (his wealth in the way of Allah) and commits himself to piousness, 6. And affirms good (Din (Religion)) of Truth and life after death through charity and Godwariness), 7. Soon We shall facilitate him in seeking (Allah’s pleasure) with ease. 8. But he who is miser and disregards (spending in the cause of Allah), 9. And (in this way) belies good (Din (Religion)) of Truth and life after death), 10. Soon shall We facilitate him landing into hardship (advancing towards torment, so that punishment becomes his rightful due). 11. And his wealth will not help him any way when he falls into (the pit of) destruction. 12. Indeed it is binding on Us to show