Joni And Friends Ministry Podcast

Coping in Community Instead of Suffering in Silence – Daryl McKillian



“In order to bear God’s image, we need relationships and community.”As we continue into this unprecedented time of shelter at home, isolation and loneliness have become a common experience. But the past few weeks have also offered a new understanding of what it means for someone to be homebound and feel disconnected. Now, more than ever, we are recognizing how vital it is to cope in community instead of suffer in silence. So what are some of the barriers that keep us from being transparent with one another and choosing isolation over community? Today on the podcast, Crystal is talking with Daryl McKillian, Co-pastor of Reconcile Church LA and Senior Manager of Theological Engagement at the Joni and Friends Christian Institute on Disability. In this conversation, Daryl is taking a deep dive into Scripture to show why it is so important to cope in the context of community whether you are rejoicing or suffering. Daryl is also offering practical ways that community can be lived out, even in the midst of a pandemi