Joni And Friends Ministry Podcast

When You Discover Your Calling – Adam Rinehart



God may use unexpected situations or experiences in your life to reveal His purpose for you – sometimes even giving you a new calling. Today on the podcast, Crystal is chatting with Adam Rinehart who serves as Associate Director, Special Needs Ministry at Calvary Community Church in Southern California. Now Adam didn’t expect to have a full-time career in disability ministry, but listen as he shares how God used a few important experiences to open his heart to serving families impacted by disability.  Read more from Adam at Joni and Friends was founded in 1979 by Joni Eareckson Tada who in a diving accident was left a quadriplegic at 17 years old. Ministry began as Tada, joined by friends around her kitchen table, responded to letters she received from people with disabilities in search of support. Over the past 40 years, the ministry has grown to serve thousands of people impacted by disability worldwide: Joni and Friends has delivered more than 150,000 whee