Real Estate Investor Huddle

Selling During the Holidays



The holiday season is a time when a lot of people dial back on revenue-generating opportunities because they don’t think there’ll be any business, but there are actually more investing opportunities now than at any other time in the year.    While everyone else has already settled in for the holiday break, we still have a lot of time left to work on our business goals.    What are some of the things we need to do during this time to maximize our opportunities? Why do many investors have their best month of business in December? In this episode, I talk about why we shouldn’t halt our business just because it’s the holidays.    Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode    - In December, a lot of people get busier with holiday activities, including our competition. Instead of dialing back, if we keep doing revenue-generating activities, we’ll actually capture more market share.    - To keep yourself motivated during the holiday season, focus on your vision for next year. What do you want to have accomplished by