Greetings From Allentown

GFA Live #38: WWF In Your House 1



On this edition of GFA Live, Peter and Keithie talk about WWF In Your House 1 from May 1995! (and some other stuff, of course!) Topics of discussion include: * Starting the "rehabilitation project" on 1995 WWF * Keith's failed bet on the 1993 Royal Rumble * Why it makes sense that Scott Hall is int he WWE HOF as the Razor Ramon character * Calling the Titan Sports merch line to see what happens * Megapowers Redux? The friendship of Savio Vega and Razor Ramon * Bad non-wrestling related segments in WWE history * Owen Hart's last 4 years of his career against everything Billy Gunn did after 1995 * Would the 1995/96 version of Sid be a bigger star in today's wrestling, or in the 70s or 80s? Lineup: 05/14/95 Bret Hart vs. Hakushi 05/14/95 Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett & The Roadie 05/14/95 Mabel vs. Adam Bomb 05/14/95 Owen Hart & Yokozuna vs. The Smoking Gunns 05/14/95 Jerry Lawler vs. Bret Hart 05/14/95 Diesel vs. Psycho Sid Email: Twitter: