Spiritual Discovery With Linda Berry

Pisces New Moon - LUNAR NEWS™ Radio Show with Linda Berry



Join Spiritual Astrologer Linda Berry on her LUNAR NEWS™ Radio Show as she presents an informational & educational astrology review of the New Moon in the Sign of Pisces. What is a New Moon? How does the energy of a New Moon affect everyone? Linda (aka the "Zodiac Yoda") discusses how this energy filled astrological event ties into the recent entrance of Neptune into Pisces. She answers questions on how it might specifically affect the planets in your Birth Chart, especially your Sun, Moon & Rising Sign as well as give mini Cosmic Readings!  NOTE: For Linda Berry's Spiritual Discovery™ Astrology Newsletter email to add@spiritualdiscovery.org  HERE'S A LITTLE PREVIEW... Once a year, the Sun (which represents 'outer' behavior) and the Moon (which represents 'inner' behavior) get together in transcending Pisces. With both of the heavens’ lights in the Sign that’s most famous for its dreamy and fantasizing qualities, it’s easy to see how this could well be one of those days when you could wear “rose-color