Greetings From Allentown

204. WWF Superstars 05-26-1990 (Earthquake/Hogan on Brother Love Show)



Earthquake launches his memorable attack on Hulk Hogan on this May 26, 1990 edition of WWF Superstars! * The odd production element of the Brother Love segment: no coommentary * Hulk Hogan's injuries lead to the debut of "Emo" Vince McMahon * Best of all bad options: The "New" Rick Rude as world title contender * The Bolsheviks explode! * What is the best Jake Roberts feud from WrestleMania 3 to WrestleMania 6? * Pondering Bret Hart as a sub for Brutus Beefcake to face Mr. Perfect at SummerSlam * A neeeeeeeew car! * The return of Vinnie Vegas Corner: Super Bowl edition! Email: Twitter: