That Marketing Dude Show (tmd Show)

TMD 017 : The Buzz Around Co-Working And Co-Living Spaces And "The 20th Century Fox Song Glitch" with Leah McHugh



In today's episode, I have my good friend Leah McHugh on the show where we discuss the differences and buzz around co-working spaces and co-living spaces.Leah McHugh has been traveling for the best part of the last 10 years and doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon. She got sick of fighting with TSA, so developed liquid-free shampoos and conditioners called Get Dirty With Me. You can use the hair powders dry for hair refreshing or add water for hair washing... Which is awesome because this is annoying at airports and Leah came up with a solution!We mention this briefly at the beginning of the episode and then we jump into our topic.Leah has been travelling all over the world and has tried out both co-living and co-working spaces... Whereas at the time of recording I hadn't tried out either. I have since been to a few co-working spaces and loved them, but now have my eyes set on trying out a co-living space I've linked to down below in the resources section.In this episode, we discuss the difference between th