3 Minutes With Kent

Stick with your worthy goals



Hey there friends. So today I want to talk with you about Typescript. So my friend Tanner Lindsley was tweeting about how it's kind of frustrating. He's been into typescript for the last few months doing some open source stuff and and if you've never written like a generic abstraction in TypeScript like a library or something then you may not know that Apple type script is way way easier than library type script. Making something.Eric and and can handle all sorts of different use cases and stuff in TypeScript is very very very difficult and that's not to you know, not or under appreciate the difficulty of just type script in general, but library type script is just very much harder in general not not always been in general. So he's just been kind of frustrated and I definitely can relate to this frustration because most of the TypeScript that I have written has also been library level type script and it is frustrating.Especially for people like tenor and me who've been doing JavaScript for quite some time and