Domecast From Under The Dome

Domecast No. 43



Domecast, our weekly podcast on government and politics in North Carolina, is ready for the weekend of March 5-6. We begin this episode interviewing Bill Adair, founder of PolitiFact, a Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checker that has partnered with The News & Observer to inspect the claims of candidates and their campaigns here. Adair explains how it works and how politicians high and low are wary of being “PolitiFacted.” In our second segment, Colin Campbell of The N&O goes deep into the state’s Democratic primary for U.S. Senate. We get a closer look at the candidates, where they stand and how they differ, replete with audio clips of them explaining their plans for office. And we close it out, as always, with Headliners of the Week. Who wins? It gets somewhat awkward for one member of the Domecast team. Our panel this week — a big one — includes Lynn Bonner and Craig Jarvis of The N&O, Jim Morrill of The Charlotte Observer, Patrick Gannon and Benjamin Brown of The Insider State Government News Service and A