Domecast From Under The Dome

Domecast No. 41



Domecast, our weekly podcast on government and politics in North Carolina, is ready for the weekend of Feb. 20-21. The General Assembly fired back up this week, spending Thursday and Friday hammering out a new scenario for 2016 congressional primary elections that was as controversial as it was quick. The result — including new congressional electoral districts and a primary date that could instantly go null under court action — raised a lot of questions. The simplest: What just happened? And what does it mean for voters? Domecast welcomes a special guest, State Board of Elections General Counsel Josh Lawson, to help us explain it all. We also go over the nuts and bolts of this special legislative session, reactions by Democrats upset with the proceedings and what the political implications are for this year’s elections. It’s a full panel, with The News & Observer’s Lynn Bonner, Colin Campbell and Craig Jarvis and The Insider’s Benjamin Brown, rounding it out as always with our Headliners of the Week segment